Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

I wanted to make Valentine’s Day special for Paul so first thing in the morning, I put a bottle of wine, some dark chocolate and a card at his place at the table. I also wanted to make him a nice dinner. We didn’t really want to go out and also don’t have a babysitter so chef Sarah took over the kitchen. I asked Paul what he would like several times throughout the week and finally it was up for me to surprise him. I know he loves Mexican food so I decided to try to make fajitas (I’ve never actually made my own before). The meat soaked in lime marinade all day and then I fried it up with some onions and peppers. I also made Spanish rice from scratch – better tasting than the box and pretty easy too! For dessert, I made molten lava cakes. Paul tried to feed Abby before we ate so that he and I could eat at the same time. Abby started throwing a fit, didn’t want to eat, then screamed and screamed. I was trying to pass the Spanish rice and knocked over my wine glass, spilling wine all over the tortillas and Abby’s dinner – hey that might help her sleep J Finally, we decided to put Abby down in her crib and start over. Abby slept for about 30 minutes and was refreshed when she got up. She then ate and played – for those of you worrying that I fed her spinach soaked in wine, never fear, new batch of pureed spinach coming up. During her nap, Paul and I had a very delicious fajita dinner. My molten lava cakes worked!!!! I have a sweet husband who cleaned up after dinner and is now giving Abby a bath so she can go to bed. By the way, he also got me orange roses – my favorite! I love how he loves me – both practically (with dishes, cleaning, Abby) and impractically (roses, cards, etc). God has blessed me with the husband that I needed in so many more ways than I ever knew while we were dating. Random fact: Paul and I never had a Valentine’s Day while we were dating. This is our third as a married couple

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