This morning I received an email back from University of Phoenix Online School that they would like my resume. I am trying to find something that I can do at home to help out with income. So, Silas was sleeping and I put on a short video for Abby so that I could try to get the resume done. Either she was more tired than I thought or the video was really boring.
Keeping my eyes fixed on the heavenly goal while nurturing those God has given me here on earth.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Goings on...
My friend Marie had a baby boy, Tobias, just 6 days before we had Silas. The story was a bit different though. She's tiny and was a few days overdue. She gave birth to a 10 lb baby boy!!!! Later that week, I (not so tiny) gave birth to a 4lb 11.5 oz little tyke. We met up last night when she and her family came to visit Nana :) Here they are next to each other a month later.
This morning I received an email back from University of Phoenix Online School that they would like my resume. I am trying to find something that I can do at home to help out with income. So, Silas was sleeping and I put on a short video for Abby so that I could try to get the resume done. Either she was more tired than I thought or the video was really boring.
And I need to pack....and pack...and figure out meals for the next week and go grocery shopping....I think I need some chocolate.
This morning I received an email back from University of Phoenix Online School that they would like my resume. I am trying to find something that I can do at home to help out with income. So, Silas was sleeping and I put on a short video for Abby so that I could try to get the resume done. Either she was more tired than I thought or the video was really boring.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I have had a few moments where I have felt completely overwhelmed, exhausted and did I mention sleep-deprived? I usually get teary in these situations when Paul is asking what is wrong. Abby gets such a concerned look on her face and comes up to me and says "K?" Such a sweet side of her to care about Mommy.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Baptism of Silas Anthony Mourreale
We had the honor of getting Silas baptized Sunday evening at our chapel. We were especially thrilled that we could have a joint service with our dear friends the Congers. Their son was born just 6 weeks before Silas.
We are so thankful for God's promises to us as we strive to raise Silas in the "fear and admonition" of the Lord. We are thankful for the support of the church as we long to be faithful parents. We are thankful that God loves Silas even more than we ever could.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Paul graduated with his Masters of Divinity. We are all so very proud of him and thankful for the hard work he has done these last couple of years.
This past year has been very "productive" for the women at the seminary. Pictured here are all the babies that have been born this year.
Friday, December 11, 2009
We've been so blessed to have Grandpa and Grandma Mourreale here for the weekend. Abby loves spending time with them and Silas is loving all the attention he is getting as well.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Birthday Fun
Saturday was my 32nd birthday. This first picture shows enough gifts to me, don't you think?
Our good friends had us over for dessert. Allison worked so hard on these cupcakes, aren't they cute? It does make it hard though to blow out ALL the candles at one time. Abby is fascinated with blowing out things so we let her blow one of them out.
Chris and Allison had their baby boy about 7 weeks before we had ours. It was so much fun going through pregnancy together and now having our newborns together. It always amazes me that now, the age difference is so huge but in a year, they will basically be the "same age".
Our good friends had us over for dessert. Allison worked so hard on these cupcakes, aren't they cute? It does make it hard though to blow out ALL the candles at one time. Abby is fascinated with blowing out things so we let her blow one of them out.
Chris and Allison had their baby boy about 7 weeks before we had ours. It was so much fun going through pregnancy together and now having our newborns together. It always amazes me that now, the age difference is so huge but in a year, they will basically be the "same age".
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Room Enough
Throughout my pregnancy, I struggled with how would I love this new child. I loved Abby so much it didn't seem there would be room for another to have that same love. I also don't "bond" with my baby in the womb like many other moms seem to do. I am thankful for him but I don't feel a closeness with him. When Silas was born, I immediately fell in love with him (and all of you moms told me that would happen). The problem was, Abby wasn't there. So I worried that I didn't love her as much and maybe my love just transferred. What would I do when I got home to my little girl? (These are the crazy thoughts I have in the middle of the night).
You probably already know the end of the story but it's still amazing to me. I love BOTH of my children incredibly - to the moon and back! There is no competition for my love but room enough for Abigail, Silas and whomever else God will grant us in the future.
You probably already know the end of the story but it's still amazing to me. I love BOTH of my children incredibly - to the moon and back! There is no competition for my love but room enough for Abigail, Silas and whomever else God will grant us in the future.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Happy Tears
Ever since Silas was born, I have been a bit teary. At first, it was tears of being overwhelmed, of wondering if I could handle all the things that I think I have to do. I am learning that there are things that must be done and there are things that I just would like done. I must not stress over the state of my house. The last few days, I've had happy tears. I become so overwhelmed at God's goodness to me and my family. Last night, we were having our family devotion time. I was holding Silas and Paul was holding Abby. We ended by singing several songs including the "haha" song. Abby tried singing along and at the end, Paul threw her up in the air to which Abby just giggled and giggled, wanting more and more. I sat rocking Silas, tears rolling down my face, reflecting on what God has given me in just the past few years. Paul and I are coming up on our third wedding anniversary. He is such a wonderful, godly man that my Heavenly Father saw fit to give to me. Within those three years, God has also seen fit to grant us the privelege of having two wonderful, healthy children. This is especially incredible to me as I recall the struggles with endometriosis that I have had. After one ultrasound to check for reoccurance, I was told that it would be very hard to have children because of all the scarring that I have. Praise God! He is the giver of life and loves to work wonders in His children.
So for those who see me on a daily basis, don't worry, my tears are happy tears!
So for those who see me on a daily basis, don't worry, my tears are happy tears!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Saying Goodbye
Yesterday we had to say goodbye to our family/friends, Jeff and Laura. They were coming to see us for Thanksgiving and we were so thrilled to get caught up with them. They were both in our wedding 3 years ago and actually, that was the last time we've seen them. Little did they know what they were getting into. The first morning here, I woke Jeff up with a call saying "Get ready, you need to come take care of Abby, we're going to the hospital". Of course, my contractions subsided for a bit so it wasn't until later that afternoon that we actually left.
Laura and Jeff ended up coming to the hospital with us and Laura was there in the delivery room with Paul and I. That night, she also stayed in the hospital with me. Paul wanted to make sure Abby had a familiar face that night so he went back home.
So a huge THANKYOU to Jeff and Laura for being here, for coming to the hospital with us, for taking care of Abby for over 24 hours, for helping us make a yummy delicious thanksgiving dinner, for hanging out with us, for playing Settlers of Catan, for praying with and for us. We LOVE you!!!
Laura and Jeff ended up coming to the hospital with us and Laura was there in the delivery room with Paul and I. That night, she also stayed in the hospital with me. Paul wanted to make sure Abby had a familiar face that night so he went back home.
So a huge THANKYOU to Jeff and Laura for being here, for coming to the hospital with us, for taking care of Abby for over 24 hours, for helping us make a yummy delicious thanksgiving dinner, for hanging out with us, for playing Settlers of Catan, for praying with and for us. We LOVE you!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Birth Story
Monday morning, the 23rd started with an early wake up call from Abby. I was feeling crampy and then had a bit of bleeding. My midwife told me to go to the hospital to get "checked out". Paul and I came on down (an hour and a half drive) and ended up being at the hospital for 7 hours. They did all kinds of tests, monitored heartbeat, contractions, etc. For a bit, I had contractions about 8-10 minutes apart but it didn't last. Just as they were going to discharge me, they checked and I had gone from a 1 to a 2. Not very significant but asked me to stay another couple hours to watch. Nothing else happened so they finally discharged me and told me to stay in town for 1-2 hours "just in case".
Poor Paul! This is the last three weeks of classes for him before he graduates and he has spent so much time driving and being here. Great husband :)
Tuesday, I continued having contractions in the early morning which subsided when I got up. I made banana bread and washed dishes. Then I sat down and finished a baby quilt for my cousin. My contractions were pretty much gone! My cousins Laura and Jeff were flying into Denver that evening so we left a little after noon to go fetch them (3 hour drive). I continued having contractions every now and then, but nothing regular or intense. We got home close to 10 pm and crashed.
Wednesday morning at 3am, I woke up because of painful contractions. I couldn't sleep anymore so finally just went to the living room where I skyped with my mom and sister. I found a cool contraction monitor online which would measure how long the contractions were and how far apart. For several hours, they were right at the 10 minute mark but without fail. Around 6:30 my contractions were 6-7 minutes apart. The hospital had told me to wait until we were 3-5 minutes but I wanted to make sure I could get there in time. We were making plans for people to watch Abby and get ourselves in gear when the contractions went back to 10 minutes apart and just stayed there. At this point, I was exhausted so I took a nap - well, in between contracions that is! Around 9:30, my mom skyped me again and wanted to know how things were going. She encouraged me to get up and do some housework!!!! At this point, we weren't trying to stop the process. So I started laundry and then Laura and I took a walk with Abby down to the barn. I was still having contractions but they really weren't very bad. At 11, we went to chapel. About halfway through chapel, I had such a long, painful contraction and couldn't stay. I went home with Abby where I could walk around and "do stuff". I was hungry so I started making potato soup. Peeling and chopping potatoes is a great way to get through contractions by the way. Through all this I was timing the contractions and all of a sudden, they started getting shorter and shorter apart. When Paul, Jeff and Laura came back from chapel, I was telling them we should probably go to the hospital soon but let me finish the soup. The guys packed and got everything together. Beth Ann came to get Abby for the afternoon. And I worked on my soup. Paul was ready before me but I really wanted this soup that I had been working on. We took a few more minutes to finish it up and pack it in containers to eat in the car. The funny thing is that I never had any. As soon as we started driving, my contractions were 3 minutes apart. Can I just say "not fun!" And how about getting to the hospital in record time?
I got to the L & D desk, telling them I was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. I was sent to the observation room where it was noted that I was already dilated at a 5, station 0. The head was already down pretty far! Since I had to have antibiotics for GRB, I had the IV put in and the penicillin started. As soon as that was finished, I was getting the jacuzii. Wahoo! I was so excited about that but my contractions started picking up in intensity. I was trying to ignore the fact that there was a lot of pressure and I kind of felt the need to push. I have a one track mind and wanted that jacuzzi. Thankfully the nurse saw what was happening and whisked me away to the delivery room. My penicillin was finished and so just before the jacuzzi she wanted to check me again. I was at a 8/9 --- too late for the jacuzzi. She also said the bag of waters was a huge bulge on babies' head and that as soon as they broke it, baby would be out. I did get to use the birthing ball and ladies, what a marvelous help that is. So much more comfortable than the bed or even standing up.
My midwife, Mary, was called, came over immediately - Praise God! As she checked me, I went to completely effaced. My water was broken and then we were pushing. With the second push, Mary said she could see the head and the hair. "He's almost here". With the third push, out he popped!!!!! So tiny but breathing well. And this only an hour and a half since we arrived at the hospital....totally the way to go.
3:57 p.m. on November 25th!!! He weighed in at 4 pounds, 11.5 ounces and his length is 16 inches. His head diameter is a mere 12 inches. The most amazing thing to me is how well his vitals were. He has such big feet and big hands for being such a little guy.
Meanwhile, I was able to deliver the placenta and get just two stitches. Small babies = no tears.
I praise God for the wonderful timing in getting to the hospital. I praise God for great nurses who respected our birth plan and wanted us to have the best experience possible. I praise God for allowing me to go through this naturally and not to give up. I praise God that my midwife was working this day AND got there in time. I praise God that both Paul and Laura were able to be there for the birth.
We named our little guy Silas Anthony. The name Silas is after the Silas from the Bible. Anthony is a family name. Paul, his dad, grandpa and great-grandpa all have Anthony as a middle name.
Our family is a bit bigger now. We will have to put up a picture with Abby too, but that will have to wait just a little bit longer.
Thanks for all of you that prayed for us. Welcome Silas!!!!
Poor Paul! This is the last three weeks of classes for him before he graduates and he has spent so much time driving and being here. Great husband :)
Tuesday, I continued having contractions in the early morning which subsided when I got up. I made banana bread and washed dishes. Then I sat down and finished a baby quilt for my cousin. My contractions were pretty much gone! My cousins Laura and Jeff were flying into Denver that evening so we left a little after noon to go fetch them (3 hour drive). I continued having contractions every now and then, but nothing regular or intense. We got home close to 10 pm and crashed.
Wednesday morning at 3am, I woke up because of painful contractions. I couldn't sleep anymore so finally just went to the living room where I skyped with my mom and sister. I found a cool contraction monitor online which would measure how long the contractions were and how far apart. For several hours, they were right at the 10 minute mark but without fail. Around 6:30 my contractions were 6-7 minutes apart. The hospital had told me to wait until we were 3-5 minutes but I wanted to make sure I could get there in time. We were making plans for people to watch Abby and get ourselves in gear when the contractions went back to 10 minutes apart and just stayed there. At this point, I was exhausted so I took a nap - well, in between contracions that is! Around 9:30, my mom skyped me again and wanted to know how things were going. She encouraged me to get up and do some housework!!!! At this point, we weren't trying to stop the process. So I started laundry and then Laura and I took a walk with Abby down to the barn. I was still having contractions but they really weren't very bad. At 11, we went to chapel. About halfway through chapel, I had such a long, painful contraction and couldn't stay. I went home with Abby where I could walk around and "do stuff". I was hungry so I started making potato soup. Peeling and chopping potatoes is a great way to get through contractions by the way. Through all this I was timing the contractions and all of a sudden, they started getting shorter and shorter apart. When Paul, Jeff and Laura came back from chapel, I was telling them we should probably go to the hospital soon but let me finish the soup. The guys packed and got everything together. Beth Ann came to get Abby for the afternoon. And I worked on my soup. Paul was ready before me but I really wanted this soup that I had been working on. We took a few more minutes to finish it up and pack it in containers to eat in the car. The funny thing is that I never had any. As soon as we started driving, my contractions were 3 minutes apart. Can I just say "not fun!" And how about getting to the hospital in record time?
I got to the L & D desk, telling them I was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. I was sent to the observation room where it was noted that I was already dilated at a 5, station 0. The head was already down pretty far! Since I had to have antibiotics for GRB, I had the IV put in and the penicillin started. As soon as that was finished, I was getting the jacuzii. Wahoo! I was so excited about that but my contractions started picking up in intensity. I was trying to ignore the fact that there was a lot of pressure and I kind of felt the need to push. I have a one track mind and wanted that jacuzzi. Thankfully the nurse saw what was happening and whisked me away to the delivery room. My penicillin was finished and so just before the jacuzzi she wanted to check me again. I was at a 8/9 --- too late for the jacuzzi. She also said the bag of waters was a huge bulge on babies' head and that as soon as they broke it, baby would be out. I did get to use the birthing ball and ladies, what a marvelous help that is. So much more comfortable than the bed or even standing up.
My midwife, Mary, was called, came over immediately - Praise God! As she checked me, I went to completely effaced. My water was broken and then we were pushing. With the second push, Mary said she could see the head and the hair. "He's almost here". With the third push, out he popped!!!!! So tiny but breathing well. And this only an hour and a half since we arrived at the hospital....totally the way to go.
3:57 p.m. on November 25th!!! He weighed in at 4 pounds, 11.5 ounces and his length is 16 inches. His head diameter is a mere 12 inches. The most amazing thing to me is how well his vitals were. He has such big feet and big hands for being such a little guy.
Meanwhile, I was able to deliver the placenta and get just two stitches. Small babies = no tears.
I praise God for the wonderful timing in getting to the hospital. I praise God for great nurses who respected our birth plan and wanted us to have the best experience possible. I praise God for allowing me to go through this naturally and not to give up. I praise God that my midwife was working this day AND got there in time. I praise God that both Paul and Laura were able to be there for the birth.
We named our little guy Silas Anthony. The name Silas is after the Silas from the Bible. Anthony is a family name. Paul, his dad, grandpa and great-grandpa all have Anthony as a middle name.
Our family is a bit bigger now. We will have to put up a picture with Abby too, but that will have to wait just a little bit longer.
Thanks for all of you that prayed for us. Welcome Silas!!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Bad hair day? the last few days, Abby has been using her "imagination" a lot more to play. She also just likes everyday "things" rather than the toys that sit in the corner.
Right now she is demolishing this box and thoroughly enjoying every moment playing with it. Much better than the last few evening's activities - giggling while drinking out of our contact solution bottle, using her ink pen all over my glider rocker, coloring on the fridge....I'm finding it true....when all is silent, something is wrong :)
Right now she is demolishing this box and thoroughly enjoying every moment playing with it. Much better than the last few evening's activities - giggling while drinking out of our contact solution bottle, using her ink pen all over my glider rocker, coloring on the fridge....I'm finding it true....when all is silent, something is wrong :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cows have the right of way.....
I live in a rural area...most of you know that. Today I was reminded just how rural it is. I actually probably share this experience with my sister, Andrea, who lives in Zambia. On my way home from the grocery store, I have two roads to choose from. I chose Macy Lane. A few miles into my drive, I noticed a herd of about 50 cattle coming my way. Now this actually happened a few months ago and I turned around, went back to town, and took the other road. I did not want to do this today so I backed up and sat in a driveway of a nearby ranch, waiting for the cows to go by. The lead cowboy started coming toward me on his horse. I thought for sure I was parked in the exact spot where they were trying to go. Actually, the man was so nice and asked if I could just stay there and block the drive so the cattle wouldn't go down the wrong way. But please back up so that I won't fall in the ditch. This is where I must have missed the fact that he wanted me to turn my car sideways so as to "block" the road more effectively. Mr. Cowboy went on his way to the next turnoff down the road. Here was my chance to "help". I backed up and turned my car off. I thought how fun this was going to be so I pulled Abby out of her carseat and had her come up front with me to watch all the cows and the horses. The first 3 or 4 cows went straight...then the rest surrounded me on all sides in an attempt to get around us and go down the drive anyway. So much for me being a deterrance. I think if anything, I was more temptation for the cows to find a way around. The back three cowboys(girl) seemed rather flustered to have their cows out of control and then me in the middle of all of this. You know the feeling when you are trying to help but actually are more in the way? That's what I was feeling. Once the last cow had passed me by, Ms. Cowgirl waved me on. I still had Abby sitting right next to me but I started the car and drove down the road about a half mile and then put her back in her carseat. Days are always so much more fun with a bit of adventure!
Can't Sleep
It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep. Ahh, the joys of pregnancy :)
As I sit here, I am wondering how my grandmother is doing. She's been back and forth between hospital and nursing home with various problems; none of them good.
I am wondering how my Mom and Dad are doing. They live in South Africa and it's especially hard for my mom being away from her mom when she is so sick. It's also super hard for them to be away from grandkids.As I sit here, I am wondering how my grandmother is doing. She's been back and forth between hospital and nursing home with various problems; none of them good.
And how in the world did my baby girl grow up so fast. This picture was taken at her birthday party in May?
And finally, this is our most recent casual family picture. We have one from my sister Debbie's wedding but how is it that we don't have any family pictures? I guess we need to get our tripod out more often. Maybe subconsciously I am avoiding photos during pregnancy :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
and Janet. Janet is my first cousin and I've known Peter for a long time. The last time
that I saw them was at a shower when I was pregnant with Abby. Neither one of them
had met Paul or Abby. It's so fun for me to have Paul meet my extended family. Granted
that is a huge task but bit by bit, he's getting to know them.
It was also just great to get off this mountain for the day. We had a nice drive where Paul and I just talked and talked. After we met up with Peter and Janet, we went out for some mexican food. Just saying though, we have NOT found a restaurant in Colorado that does justice to mexican food. My plate looked like chinese stir-fry with a slice of avocado on the side (does that make it mexican?).
Later in the afternoon, we just talked and talked, and then played a fun game of Settlers of Catan (Peter won). For me, it was such a refreshing day to spend with them and get reconnected. Thanks to my sweet hubby for being completely relaxed and willing to spend his whole day there.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
From the early years
We desire for Abby to be a helpful girl who loves to serve others. I am thinking more about the future but I am learning that it starts even now. And especially now when she wants to "help". Honestly, her helping at this stage is harder for us. She takes the dishes out of the drainer and puts them back in the water. When I am sweeping, she takes the swiffer mop and just twirls around. When I am making cookies, she's trying to dump extra spices in the dough. From watching other moms, I know it is worth it. She's being taught that she is an intregal part of our household. That she can help! I need to remember our vision for Abby and remain patient even when it's just faster to do it myself. On that note, Paul's been teaching her to put stuff away before dinner while I am cooking. Abby does not like that part at all, she screams and cries while Paul takes her hand and walks around the house putting the toys away. But pretty soon, her tears dry up and she figures it out, even feeling "proud of herself" that she puts things away.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Cherishing the moments
Abby's favorite activity recently is dancing with Mama. She likes it especially when I am holding her and just moving all around - dips and twirls and spins :) She'll dance if she hears music in a store (or even church). Sometimes, she makes her own music and sings. Yesterday while I was tutoring, I looked up and she had her hand in the air and was just dancing and laughing.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Snow/Mud Walk
It has started to warm up here a bit (in the 40's during the day). Saturday we went out for a much needed walk. Abby is getting used to the snow and was actually walking a bit in it. You'll notice she is still wearing tennis shoes as her snow boots are pretty big on her. Companies don't really make snow gear for tiny little ones.
Abby's feet got stuck in the mud and down she went for a face plant. After a few moments of tears, she got down and actually enjoyed herself. She found all the mud puddles that she could and stomped around in them. It's only laundry right?
Abby's feet got stuck in the mud and down she went for a face plant. After a few moments of tears, she got down and actually enjoyed herself. She found all the mud puddles that she could and stomped around in them. It's only laundry right?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Learning to live with a mess
I love a clutter-free home! I love to be able to walk across my living room without stumbling over toys and books or getting gunk on my sock from food left on the carpet. I love the clean lines of a bed neatly made every morning. I love a clean sink and countertop, not to mention a clean stove.
BUT... I've had to let a lot of that go. Not on a permanent basis mind you, but I can not constantly stress out about the fact that I just put the toys away and now they are out again. I can not worry that I just did the dishes and already more are stacked in the sink. I need not be upset that I just vacuumed and already there are cookie crumbs on the carpet. I must not get upset that I just mopped and then in comes my husband with his snow boots.
I remember my mom telling the story of wanting her house a certain way...including my parents bedroom. One day she realized that she wasn't the only one living there; that my dad had a way that he liked to live too. I try to keep this in mind as I am now one of three living in our household.
It's more important that I love Abby and spend time with her than to keep her toys and books kept neat. It's better to greet my husband with a kiss and a smile at the door than a complaining tongue. It's the better way to love people rather than my things or my house!
BUT... I've had to let a lot of that go. Not on a permanent basis mind you, but I can not constantly stress out about the fact that I just put the toys away and now they are out again. I can not worry that I just did the dishes and already more are stacked in the sink. I need not be upset that I just vacuumed and already there are cookie crumbs on the carpet. I must not get upset that I just mopped and then in comes my husband with his snow boots.
I remember my mom telling the story of wanting her house a certain way...including my parents bedroom. One day she realized that she wasn't the only one living there; that my dad had a way that he liked to live too. I try to keep this in mind as I am now one of three living in our household.
It's more important that I love Abby and spend time with her than to keep her toys and books kept neat. It's better to greet my husband with a kiss and a smile at the door than a complaining tongue. It's the better way to love people rather than my things or my house!
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